Liver Transplantation in India

World class affordable Liver Transplantation In India

Hepatitis C Treatment with Sofosbuvir

Affordable Hepatitis C treatment in India.

Cure For Hepatitis C In India

Choosing India for medical treatments specifically for the liver disorders is the good decision for foreign patients. Medical tourism in India is a fastly growing by 30% annual, will be 2bn$ industry by 2015 (expected). Advantages of medical treatment are affordable (reduced expenses), Quality doctors/clinics/medical experts availability, latest medical technologies, International quality standard environment, as well as patient friendly in respect of communication and convenience. The Government in India is focusing on the growth of medical tourism. No Visa restrictions for medical tourists by Government for medical treatments in India, recently Government has been removed some restrictions for gulf patients will absolutely boost this industry. A visa on arrival is available for selected countries by that they will be allowed to stay in India for 30 days for their medical reasons.  


About Us

CureForLiverDiseaes is medical tourism company provides treatment of different liver disorders in India. Foreign patients who are suffering from the different Liver diseases as hepatitis A, B, C or they need Liver transplant can come to India. We promise to provide different liver treatments at a reduced cost. The Growth of India in the sector of medical tourism is remarkable. Having best doctors, surgeons, world-class facilities attracting more traveling patients towards the country for their treatment. We have the best world clinics and doctors for your liver dysfunction treatments with us.        



To provide the best medical care and treatment for liver diseases internationally at reduced prices with the best quality standard.



  • To provide expert doctors (global experience) and clinics.
  • Incorporation of latest medical technologies.
  • To provide unbelievable economic medical tourism (reduced price than other countries as U.SA, U.K etc)  including communication (translation), convenience and etc.  
  • Easy access to clinics and doctors.
  • We also arrange tours (for tourist places across India).
  • To provide you staff, food and the residence in accordance of your needs.

 About The Doctor

 Dr. S K ThakurDr. S K Thakur, Gastroenterology

Specialization: - Gastroenterology

Research: - Liver Disease

Attached To: - Moolchand Medcity, Sama Nursing Home, Sitaram Bhartia Hospital, New Delhi.



About The Director 

Ravi Sharma460596_570869722939427_2143533743_o

Bachelor in Pharmacy & MBA (Marketing)
Ravi Sharma is a self-motivated young entrepreneur. He is Bachelor in Pharmacy with MBA in Marketing. He has dedicated his life to the sufferings of the childless couples and Hepatitis & Liver Transplant patients. He is never tired of assisting people, available for them 24X7. He is working to help patients globally since 15 years. He is associated with the successful launch of Medical Tourism Company offering assistance in various ailments to the patients globally at affordable price.

He is a true professional with a great human touch and feelings. With his dream & commitment towards patient he has clear focus on providing products, services & knowledge in Healthcare Industry.

The Liver

Anatomy of the liver

The Liver is a large organ with a weight of 1.36078 kg (2 pounds approx.), Color of the liver is reddish-brown. Generally we can't feel the Liver, because it's under the protection of your rib cage. Two Large sections in Liver are right and left lobe. The gallbladder is attached under it along with pancreas and intestines. The function of Liver and these organs is to Absorb, digest and process food. 

Blood supplied to The Liver by two of these:

  • Hepatic artery flows oxygenated blood in.
  • The hepatic portal vein flows Nutrient-rich blood flows in.

Different functions of the liver?

Regulation of chemical levels in blood and separates bile. Work of bile is to break down fats, to prepare them for next process in food digestion chain ( digestion, absorption etc). The flow of Blood from stomach and intestines goes through the Liver. And Liver further Processes this blood for to make balanced (break down) nutrients for our body. Also prepares drugs for easier way to utilized in our body. Some of important function are:

  • Produces Bile, Helps in digestion (by breaking down fats).
  • Produces essential proteins for blood plasma.
  • Produces special proteins and cholesterol to carry out fats through our body. 
  • Stores glucose and release it at the time of need.
  • Processes hemoglobin for to use iron (in hemoglobin and stores it).
  • Converts ammonia to urea. (we release it in our urine).
  • Removes harmful things from the blood.
  • Regulation of blood clotting.
  • Provides resistance from infections by enhancing immune  factors.
  • Removal of bacteria from flowing blood.
  • Clears bilirubin. (protection again yellow eyes and skin).

Liver Diseases

The Liver is the second largest organ in the human body and is responsible for over 100 complex functions as detoxification, cholesterol level management, thickens the blood, breaks down fats and helps digestion (bile) etc. Different liver diseases have been identified are over 100 in numbers caused by a numbers of factors, Everyone including infants, children or adults can be affected by liver diseases. The problem with the liver disease is that it usually causes no sign or symptoms of illness until it goes advance. At the advanced stage of the illness symptoms can be imbalanced appetite (loss), loss in weight and jaundice.

 Types of liver disease

There are numbers of identified diseases of Liver. Some specific of them are listed below.

  • Caused by Alcohol- By misuse of alcohol over a long time period liver can be damaged, Results can be dangerous (cirrhosis).
  • Fatty liver – Due to increased Fat in liver cells, generally seen in overweight or obese people.
  • Hepatitis (Viral) - It’s a condition where swelling, inflammation or both are the result of viral infection or excess of harmful substances (as alcohol.).
  • Haemochromatosis – It is an inherited disease, in which excess of iron (slow build-up) found in the body and sometimes called iron overloaded disorder, in most of cases it surrounds the liver.   
  • Primary Biliary cirrhosis – very rare disease, it’s a longterm disease and damages bile duct in the liver.

Note: - Any type of live disease can lead to cirrhosis.   

Hepatitis C: A Serious Concern 

If you just found out that you have Hepatitis C, you’re likely worried. You may be wondering how it is going to affect your life. It may help to know that though chronic Hepatitis C can be a serious health issue, it is not life threatening for most people. You can take steps to help your body fight back. This website will help you learn more about this disease.

What is Hepatitis?

Hepatitis is an inflammation or swelling of the liver that occurs when tissues of the liver become injured or infected. Inflammation can cause the liver to not work properly and, sometimes, can progress to other diseases. Hepatitis is usually caused by viral infection, though certain toxins, drugs, some diseases, excessive alcohol intake, and bacteria can also cause some forms of Hepatitis. The five main types of Hepatitis viruses are classified as A, B, C, D and E. Types B and C have led to chronic disease in millions of people and, together, are the most common causes of liver cirrhosis and cancer. Vaccines are available to prevent Hepatitis B, but there is no vaccine to prevent Hepatitis C.

What is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection affecting the liver cells. It may present as a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness that progressively damages the liver. Hepatitis C can be either “acute” (short-term infection for less than 6 months) or “chronic” (long-term infection).

What are symptoms of Hepatitis C?

When first infected with hepatitis C virus, most people have no symptoms at all, or may have only mild symptoms. For those who do develop symptoms, the symptoms usually appear between six weeks to six months after infection. Many people with chronic hepatitis C infection do not develop symptoms until years, sometimes even decades, later. The longer people live with hepatitis C infection, the more likely they are to develop serious, life-threatening liver disease.

When symptoms occur, they can include tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, and muscle or joint pain. Urine may become darker in color, and then jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes) may appear

How does Hepatitis C virus get transmitted?

Hepatitis C virus spreads primarily through contact with the blood of an infected person. This contact could occur in various ways:

  • Sharing equipment used to inject drugs
  • Blood transfusions and organ transplants prior to 1992 when widespread screening of the blood supply began
  • Pregnant women infected with the virus passing it to their babies at birth.
  • Sharing personal items, such as a toothbrushes, nail clippers, or razors that have blood on it
  • Getting tattoos or body piercings in informal settings or with non-sterile equipment
  • Poor infection control in health care facilities and residential care facilities
  • Sexual transmission is possible, although rare. Things that increase sexual transmission of hepatitis C include: having a sexually transmitted disease or HIV infection, sex with multiple partners, or rough sex

The hepatitis C virus is NOT spread by casual contact, such as hugging, or through sneezing, coughing, or sharing food and drinks

How can a Hepatitis C be detected?

There are blood tests that will show if a person has Hepatitis C. Some of the blood tests are done at a doctor’s office or an outpatient facility; some tests need the blood sample to be sent to a lab. 

(All persons recommended for HCV testing should first be tested for anti-HCV using an FDAapprovedtest. Positive results should be confirmed by nucleic acid testing for HCV RNA as per AASLD-IDSA recommendations. Genotype test is done to confirm the type of virus before doctor initiates the treatment).

The doctor may also do some tests or scans to examine the structure of the liver and assess the extent of liver damage.

People who are at higher risk of getting Hepatitis C should get tested. Many people with Hepatitis C do not know they are infected as, often, they will not have any symptoms of the disease in the early stage.

What are the complications of a Hepatitis C?

Chronic Hepatitis C is a serious disease. If not diagnosed and treated in time, it can result in long-term health problems, such as permanent liver damage, liver failure, liver cancer, and even death.

Is there a vaccine to prevent Hepatitis C?

Vaccine are not available to prevent this infection.

What are Hepatitis C treatment options?

The goal of treatment is to get rid of the hepatitis C virus in the body or achieve 'Sustained Virologic Response (SVR)'. SVR means that hepatitis C virus is not found in the blood 3 to 6 months after the patient stops taking his/her medicines. People who achieve an SVR are generally considered to be 'Cured.'However, after a cure, if you get exposed to the hepatitis C virus again, you can get re-infected.

AASLD-IDSA recommendations are –

  • Antiviral treatment is recommended for all patients with chronic HCV infection, except those with limited life expectancy due to nonhepatic causes. (I-A)
  • If resources limit the ability to treat all infected patients immediately as recommended, then it is most appropriate to treat those at greatest risk of disease complications before treating those with less advanced disease.

New drugs have greatly improved the success rate of hepatitis C treatment in recent years. Success rates are — around 90% for all strains of the hepatitis C virus. Even more heartening for many people is that these drugs are oral, i.e. pills rather than injections, and shorten the total time required for treatment. However, depending on the viral strain, they may have to be taken along with other drugs — in some cases, along with injectable medications.

One such drug that has been recently approved for hepatitis C treatment in India, in combination with ribavirin and/or interferons, is sofosbuvir (Sovaldi).Sofosbuvir is orally administered and works by blocking the replication of the hepatitis C virus. It has shown excellent response rates and tolerability in various clinical studies.

Talk with your doctor if you have questions about these treatments.

Hepatitis C Treatment Duration

The treatment duration depends on your hepatitis C virus genotype and severity of your liver disease. The newer drugs have reduced the treatment duration to 12 to 24 weeks. Your doctor is the best judge to plan the appropriate treatment regimen and treatment duration for you.

Treatment Monitoring

Treatment for hepatitis C is aimed at reducing the viral load, and making it negative (undetectable). ‘Undetectable’ means that no virus is currently present in your blood.

Your doctor will also closely watch your symptoms and schedule regular blood tests to monitor the disease and ensure that the treatment is working.

Can Hepatitis C be cured?

The goal of treatment is to get rid of the Hepatitis C virus in the body or achieve "sustained virological response (SVR)". SVR means that the Hepatitis C virus is not found in the blood 3 or 6 months after the patient stops taking his/her medicines. People who achieve SVR are generally considered to be “cured”.

Good News

New drugs have greatly improved the treatment of Hepatitis C in recent years. Success rates are very high—above 90% for all strains of HCV. Even more heartening for many people is that these drugs are oral—i.e. pills rather than injections—and shorten the total time required for treatment. However, depending on the viral strain, they may have to be taken along with other drugs; in some cases with injectable. Yet, they represent a huge leap forward in the treatment of Hepatitis C.

Do’s and Don’ts while on Hepatitis C treatment

Some of the things you can do to ensure that that your response to hepatitis C treatment is good, are as follows:

  • Seek and follow your doctor’s advice and instructions
  • Eat well, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day, and try to get enough sleep
  • Do not drink alcohol or use drugs
  • Use adequate birth control while patient or his/her partner on ribavirin treatment, and continue to use it for 6 months after the last dose of ribavirin before trying to conceive a child
  • Get regular check-ups done by your doctor

Hepatitis C Treatment with Sofosbuvir:

Sofosbuvir is indicated for treatment of patients with HCV monoinfection and HCV/HIV-1 coinfection
Genotype 1 or 4: sofosbuvir plus peginterferon-alfa plus ribavirin for 12 weeks
Genotype 2: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for 12 weeks
Genotype 3: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for 24 weeks
Genotype 1, interferon ineligible: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin can be considered for 24 weeks in patients who are interferon ineligible

Sofosbuvir for patients with chronic HCV monoinfection

• Genotype 1 and not eligible for interferon: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for 24 weeks can be considered
• Hepatocellular carcinoma awaiting liver transplantation: sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for a duration of up to 48 weeks or until liver transplantation, whichever occurs first, to prevent post-transplant HCV reinfection

Simeprevir in Combination with Sofosbuvir for HCV Infection:

• Genotype 1: Treatment-naive or treatment experienced patients without cirrhosis: 12 weeks of simeprevir and sofosbuvir
• Genotype 1: Treatment-naive or treatment experienced patients with cirrhosis: 24 weeks of simeprevir and sofosbuvir

Daclatasvir in Combination with Sofosbuvir for HCV Infection:

• Genotype 3: Treatment-naive or treatment experienced patients without cirrhosis: 12 weeks of daclatasvir and sofosbuvir
• Genotype 3: Treatment-naive or treatment experienced patients with cirrhosis: the optimal duration of therapy with daclatasvir and sofosbuvir remains unknown

Note: -Your doctor will be your best guide before, during, and after treatment and will help you learn about your disease and your treatment.


The Liver Transplantation

What is a liver transplant?

Surgical procedure is followed in a liver transplant for to replace sick liver (suffering from unrecoverable disease) with a healthy liver from a donor person. The donated liver may come from a recently dead person or from a living. Members of family or strangers (unrelated) but with a good match may able to donate (A portion for Liver). This transplant is termed as living transplant. By donating a portion of Liver donor can live healthy lives with his/her remaining Liver.

Liver can be transplanted entirely or just a portion (section). Transplanted liver can adjust to body within week because only the liver among body organs is able to regenerate.

Reasons for Liver transplantation

The Liver transplant is generally recommended for people who are suffering from critical liver disease (ESLD- end-stage liver disease), life threatening liver dysfunction. ESLD may be due to various liver conditions.

Cirrhosis is most common liver disease in which liver transplants are recommended. Cirrhosis is a longterm disease in which liver is covered fibre-like tissue and prevents removal of poisonous and toxins substances. ESLD is also a major a reason but there are number of reasons given below:

  • Damaged tissue (Death) in liver (Acute hepatic necrosis).
  • Absence of bile duct or abnormality (Biliary atresia).
  • Chemical activity disorder in cells (affected by liver) (Metabolic disease).
  • Primary tumours (in Liver) but not outside of Liver (Liver cancers).
  • Chronic inflammation resulting destruction and damage of liver cells (Autoimmune hepatitis).

Recommendation of Liver transplantation by your doctors may be due to other reasons.

Liver transplant services for International patients in Delhi NCR (India)

Since the hospitals in Delhi NCR (India) provide a world class liver transplant services at a fraction of the cost of the Western centres, foreign patients regularly travel to the centre for liver transplants and other advanced liver surgery.

Many patients suffering endstage liver disease or liver cancer have had successful liver transplants or other major liver operations in these premium liver institutes.

Initial contact and appointment procedure

the procedure is quite simple –

  1. The patient / family should send all the patient's relevant medical records by courier or Fax or by email.
  2. After reviewing the medical details, our experts on panel will write back their opinion that patient needs a liver transplant or not.
  3. If the patient wishes to pursue the transplant or other treatment at one of our premium liver centres– Our experts will then send all the financial details and donor requirements that are relevant to the case.
  4. When a liver transplant recommended, the family should identify the prospective liver donor(s).Then, donor(s) will advised some medical tests (basic) by our experts, test will be recommended in donors home country for to assure acceptance of donor at our liver transplantation centres to minimize the delay in transplant. The criteria for the suitable donor are mentioned later in this information page.
  5. Once, the donor is accepted after tests, and your family is ready for travel to Delhi NCR India), you will get help in the visa process from our side.
  6. Our team will be responsible for reception at Delhi airport of the patient and his/her attendant. The patient will then normally be taken to the specialized care unit at the hospital for admission (straight). Number of attendant is allowed to stay with the patient unless the patient is in the intensive care unit (ICU) is one. With advance notice, Air conditioned (A/c) housing can be arranged near the hospital for the other attendants, where they will be taken directly from the airport.
  7. Availability of Emergency Ambulance and Transport Services, Our team provides emergency transportation of patients from within India by land, air and train.

Procedure upon reaching Delhi

Once a family donor is available, the patient should keep in mind for staying in Delhi for a total of about 3 months which includes evaluation (per-transplant) and preparation, the actual transplant and stabilization in the and preparation, the actual transplant and stabilization in the immediate post-transplant followup period.

A transplant evaluation will first be carried out to see if the patient needs transplant or fitness for to do so. In suitable conditions for a transplant, we will get the donor liver. Patient waiting for to get a cadaveric liver then, it will take few months (liver availability). Expected time period for liver transplantation is 15-20 days. We get cadaver livers from time to time (although infrequently) but do not provide living donors.

Post-transplant, the patient will have to be in hospital for a month and in the vicinity of the hospital for follow up for another 4-6 weeks. Our team will establish contact with the patient's local liver specialist (Home Country) for long term tracking (followup) of patient’s condition. From about 2-3 months after transplant, most patients lead an incredibly normal life.

After 7-10 days the family donor is discharged from hospital and after assuring within 10-15 days (normally) that he is fit as he was before the donation can go back to his/her country.

Types of Liver Transplant

Two types of Liver donors for transplantation are
Cadaveric Liver Donation: -

This is a condition where a person is declared brain dead and his/her family members allowing for donation of such person’s organs. People who need cadaveric liver transplant have to wait until such suitable donor is available.     

 Living Liver Donation: -

In this donation only a part of liver is transplanted by a healthy family member, child or someone emotionally lose to patient or a volunteer. Evolution of a donor is necessary for assurance that there will be no harm to donor or recipient.

Operation of donor is completely safe and after few weeks half liver quickly regenerates in both the donor and recipient.

Half liver immediate after operation of donor is able to maintain normal functions, even regeneration is not complete.  

 To donate

  • Person must make their own decision for donation.  
  • Age limit for donation is 18-55 years and weight between 50-85kg.
  • Donor must be close (family member, relative or likewise) to recipient person.
  • Blood group match of donor and recipient is must.
  • Normal function, structure of donor liver, as well as other systems (normal) is must.
  • Volume of the donor liver must be enough as required for recipient.

Requirement and recommendation in above and some other technical points determination depends on Transplant Team in evaluation (2-3 days) of donor before transplant.

Some facts about liver donation surgery

  • Normal liver has immense reserve - nearly 70% of liver can be safely removed although much less is removed
  • Normal liver grows (regenerates itself) back very quickly - it can be restored to normal size after removal of half the liver in just 2 weeks


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4th Floor, 404, Above Max Hospital
HB Twin Towers,
Near TV Tower, NSP, Pitampura, New Delhi 110034

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